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It is important to do enough research of the company and the open job you are looking for - to be able to assess, if you want to work with the company and have the desired motivation to do it. Also you will be able to ask much more intelligent and relevant questions to the department manager or HR. Many companies are active on social media, fx linkedin, twitter, facebook, which also can provide important knowledge to write a good cover letter, CV, give you a background for a few questions prior sending your application and as well in the job interview.

Morten Thygesen

Recruiter and business analyst

I love to research business concepts and develop marketing related recruitment services and find the best people for companies.
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CV and Cover Letter Improvements

Updated 7.11.2019

Researching the company as part of applying for an open job, does make it easier for you to adjust your CV, cover letter and write a strong motivation to work with the company. Getting the CV to be easy to overview, and 100% relevant according to the employers’ need is key to get selected for an interview, especially if you stand out. You need to analyze the employers need, and make small adjustments to your CV for most job-applications - and not have any errors.

Background knowledge

Researching the company is essential to figure out if you want to spend your time on the company. Understanding the background of the company and their main mission and values is quite relevant to write a good job application. You might need to get extra information on the company culture, their products and the social and economic conditions in the country and region you are looking for a job in. You should also spend time on looking through the companies' social media profile and main website to get some background information. Most typically, there are key aspects of the job which you need to research and be updated on.

Specific job knowledge

Calling up the HR or department manager is a good idea, if the advertisement has their name and number. Some consider emailing the company with a few questions, but its better with direct contact and you have more flexibility in your questions - and it takes shorter time for the manager to answer a phone call. Thus, you will be able to refer to a good dialogue with the contact person in your job application, which also points out. With a good dialogue you can improve your knowledge on which skills and content you should focus on in your job application. It is not all applicants who calls before applying. It should only be done, if you are prepared and have relevant questions, otherwise, you could give a bad impression. Your choice of phoning shows that you have initiative - and a referral to a dialogue with the manager in the cover letter is a way to get extra attention to get selected for an interview.

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